Graphic Design + 3d Model Posing
Welcome to my webpage! Here you can find refs of my work and prices for commissions!
Some examples I've done for myself
Logo Prices - $50 and up. Depends on level of detail.
3D VRM Posing - Starts out at $10.
3D Poses differ - Icons are $10, and fullbody shots are $20.
Payment up front. No refunds. Paypal & Casp App only.
Fixes and touch ups are free.
No NSFW orders.
Upon asking for a VRM commission it will require you to send the vrm of your character. This allows me to pose the model to your wishes.
It will not be shared with anyone else. You have my word.
Here are more examples of my logo work!
Here are some poses of mine. This is my OC, Yuri.
If you wish to come and contact with me, you have two options of doing so. DM me through Twitter, or use my email. (Emails will take longer
for replies, but its there just incase.)